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rs-forever's Diaryland Diary


Miza, Mirza Bros and Princey

Miza went to Bombay. And I was not there. Who would have thunk? Seeing her pictures is almost poetic. Same old Bombay. Same old taxis with printed, velvet-like fabrics on their roofs, same old Taj Hotel behind the Gateway, same old vendors and same old people dressed in their Sunday best. I remember everything, yet I needed the pictures to bring back specific memories. I am grateful to her. For being so observant. For the comments that went with every picture.


Has my attitude become too blase? Do I think luxuries for granted? Do I have too many things? Maybe I cannot be honest to myself and answer "Yes" for these things. But there is proof in the number of shoes I own, yet don't wear. In the number of clothes I own. Maybe I should not give myself such a hard time about being a woman and wanting to have pretty things. Why must I feel guilty? Maybe because I have seen people who own so little.


Speaking about forgetting, I completely forgot about the Mirza brothers I knew back in engineering school. They were from North India, had funny accents and were extremely polite. I claimed myself to be their "sister", and they treated me like one. When I kept failing in workshop, where we had to file pieces of metal, they took over and did it for me. Then suddenly in the second year, they disappeared. Somebody said they went back to North India. Life went on as normal, and everybody forgot about their existence. Today one of them surfaced on Facebook. Sent me a friend request. I was so surprised. And happy.


Speaking some more about engineering school my best friend from Bombay - Princey, is visiting her family in New Jersey. We speak over the phone and I remembered what it used to feel like to have a good girlfriend. I don't have any girl friends of note here. Not that I need any. Ryan is the best <3

Princey said she would be my best girl. And she and Kavi would dance at my wedding :) Indians love dancing at weddings. Actually Indians just love dancing. Not me though. Suppose that makes me strange then.

3:39 p.m. - 2010-07-27


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