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rs-forever's Diaryland Diary


I love you, you love me!

Ryan and I fell very sick together for the first time! We speculate that both got the norovirus bug from going to his aunt's place to see his cousin's baby. I was so afraid that it was because of my cooking, that I was actually relieved to think it was from some place else. In my head I was reviewing all my kitchen practices, which is always a good thing. I am always afraid that I am a bad house-keeper but Ryan always reassures me I am not. I understand it must get annoying to reassure somebody who still wants to believe something else. I wonder how Ryan is never annoyed. Never!

So the norovirus bug kicked in right after I made the spiciest curry for dinner that I have in my history of cooking. As you can guess what is worse than a throw-up is a spicy throw-up. We used the bathroom in turns, and kept throwing up or having gag-reflexes all the way from midnight to 8 AM. At the end of which I had stopped drinking water and consequently stopped feeling sick. But because we are wired a little differently, Ryan actually had to drink some water to stop throwing up. I then went to CVS Pharmacy and bought some electrolyte replenishment - Vitamin Water, EmergenC, popsicles (they don't really count, but soothe the throat). Our throats must have been shredded on the inside at the end of the throwing up phase.

Poor Ryan could take a day off (Tuesday)! But it was so much (SO MUCH!) fun to have him home one whole day that was not a weekend. It spoiled me. On Wednesday when he went to work at 8, I couldn't wait for him to get back home sometime before noon. And he does not usually get back home by 7 or even 8-9. He works really hard, and I am so proud of him...

Last night, or this morning I had this terrible dream. That Ryan went on a date with a blond girl. He did not want to go, but somebody at work had fixed him up with her, and he did not want her to feel bad. I am asking him if she had long hair or not. He says she had shoulder length straight hair and she was wearing a black dress with black leather shoes. I then ask him if he had a good time with her. He says she was a nice person, but not as nice as I was, and the date was just how usual dates are. At this point I am super upset, and suddenly we are in the other house of my parents in Bombay (very small house), and it has only two rooms, but I am locking myself up in the smaller room. (I never lock myself up). And then I am supposed to be speaking at a gathering some place, so I am wearing this pretty blue saree that my Mom draped around me, and my hair was all perfect too, but now my face and hair is a mess and sitting in a taxi with the taxi driver not going where he is going, and neither do I. Then I realize I do not have any cash on me to pay the taxi, and Ryan is not with me, and thankfully the alarm went off, and I wake up to Ryan right next to me, and I am mad at him, but he has no idea why. SO I tell him about my bad dream, and I cry a little, but he looks so sad himself that I dreamed of something like this. Which I know he will never do, but I can never say again "I wouldn't dream about it Ryan" because of this stupid dream. He then started teasing me about him dreaming that I went on a date with this "tall, handsome man with brown hair", which is like him, I pointed out, and he said he has black hair! Not really, he has brown hair, I said.

Really, something like this is not even a worry for me. Ryan will never hurt me. I know that for sure. But I am afraid of being hurt by him if he likes somebody from far away, but does not tell me because he doesn't want to hurt me. I know I am being silly and this is a silly fear.

I love him very, very dearly, and he loves me that way too :) :) :)

But no dream dates!! x-(

8:55 a.m. - 2010-03-04


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