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rs-forever's Diaryland Diary


chicken pot pie

I feel so sad that Ryan is sick. He has a high fever that will just not go away. And then there is mononucleosis. I am not even sure if I can spell that right. I am wrong - it is mononucleosis and then there is the fever that will just not go away.

What makes me more sad is that I may have given him this virus. What makes me even more sad is that I am this girl who harbors evil viruses and passes them on.

I drove to his house again last night. Made some chicken pot pie and greek salad. Now I did not know how to make these, but I found some recipes online, then went to Stop and Shop to get the ingredients. The girl there was called Kathie and she helped me find cooked chicken. Yesterday was the first time I cooked chicken, and it was not difficult at all, nor was it eww. It was just like cutting mushrooms.

I am back at work this morning. I seem to be doing a good job, I was very happy when my boss praised me in a meeting today :) I hope I can work here full time after I graduate and don't have to move far far away.

Ryan read me some Gibran last night. It doesn't quite make sense, but I like to stories very much.

10:54 a.m. - 2008-06-04


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